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Our Contacts

Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya

+62 31 8283180

Industry Leader

Industry Leader Band Malcolm Balridge is the best in Indonesia with a score of 6/9

Proper Emas

PLTU Paiton 1 dan 2 won PROPER EMAS for the second time.

Asian Power Award

Innovative Power Technology of The Year on Asian Power Award from 2017 till 2020

Penghargaan Subroto

Subroto Award 2018 for K2 and Energy Efficiency

PT Pembangkitan Jawa – Bali (“PJB”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (“PLN”). PJB is engaged in various power generation businesses, such as power generation, operation and maintenance (O&M), engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), investment, consulting, and training services.

In running its business, PJB is committed to providing green energy and sustainable power generation, which is supported by the competence and awards it receives. PJB is a suitable partner for any company wishing to develop a power plant project.


We offer opportunities for cooperation to jointly achieve success in project development.

Direct Investment

Become a project investor together
with PJB for project development.

Derivative Investment

Buy tailored
financial instruments for the funding
of the project.

Tech. & EPC Contractor

With your service
or your products,
we set up projects together.


Become a lender
who provides loan funding for projects
in PJB.

Power Energy Supplier

Become our
primary energy supplier for the project.

Case Studies


PJB Power Plant

7.055 MW di 8 lokasi

Participate in IPP

5.470 MW di 6 lokasi

EPC Service

210 MW di 8 lokasi


10.347 MW di 16 lokasi

OM Services

FTP-1 Jawa  : 3.610 MW at 5 location

Luar Jawa : 1075,3 MW at 18 location

PLN di lokasi PJB : 1.468,3 MW at 4 location

IPP : 24 MW at 3 location

TOTAL  : 6.177,6 MW

Share Ownership of Power Plant Companies

1.320 MW at 1 location

For Business Inquiry please contact
