Hubungi kami melalui atau +62318283180

Logo PLN Nusantara Power

Our Contacts

Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya

+62 31 8283180

According to Articles of Association in article 4, corporate authorized capital is determined as Rp12.,- (twelve trillion Rupiah) divided into shares, consist of 1 share Series 1 and 23.999.999.999 share Series 2, each shares worth Rp500,- (five hundred Rupiah).
The capital is placed into compositions as followed:
1. PT PLN (Persero) owns 1 share series 1 and 5.999.999.998 shares series 2 with total value of Rp2.999.999.999.500,- (two trillion nine hundred ninety nine billion nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred rupiah)
2. Education and Welfare Foundation of PT PLN (Persero) owns 1 share series 2 with total value of Rp500,- (five hundred rupiah).

PT PLN (Persero) addresses
Jalan Trunojoyo Blok M – I No 135
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
Phone : +62 – 021 – 7251234, 7261122
fax : +62 – 021 – 7221330