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Our Contacts

Jl. Ketintang Baru No. 11 Surabaya

+62 31 8283180

Beware of fraud

Job offers originating from fraudulent organizations or groups pretending to be on behalf of PT PLN NUSANTARA POWER or people claiming to work or have a relationship with PT PLN NUSANTARA POWER. The offer submitted states that the person meets the qualifications as a worker (both local and expatriate) at PT PLN NUSANTARA POWER and asks to transfer a certain amount of money as a work permit, insurance policy, etc. Please note that PT PLN SUSANTARA POWER (both organizations that carry out recruitment on behalf of PLN NP) never asks for money or payment from applicants at any stage of recruitment. Every person who successfully obtains an offer from PT PLN NUSANTARA POWER, either directly or indirectly, will be asked to take part in a formal recruitment process. All communications must come from official of PT PLN NUSANTARA POWER e-mail and not from e-mail of the internet such as hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc.